Many Diaspora Jewish students in Israel, either on year-long programs, semesters abroad, or finishing introductory trips such as Birthright, feel they only receive a small piece of the larger story playing out in the country.

The Vision Movement partners with AFSI and Alternative Action to offer immersive tours of Judea & Samaria/the West Bank. The tours, geared towards the needs of Diaspora Jews interested in critically exploring the conflict, seek to offer a deeper approach to understanding the tensions between Jews and Palestinians in the territories, as well as the grievances and aspirations of both peoples.

During a tour of Israel’s disputed heartland followed by a Shabbat experience in a West Bank Jewish community, participants experience some of the most pressing issues driving the conflict and engage with leading Jewish and Palestinian activists. Participants are fully exposed to both narratives and encouraged to try constructing a larger narrative inclusive enough to encompass ostensibly rival positions.

Who can attend the program?

Any Diaspora Jewish student currently in Israel is encouraged to apply. We accept only those applicants deemed capable of handling the content of the program.

How do I know if this is the right program for me?

We understand that this program isn’t for everyone. It requires critical thinking and the ability to struggle with difficult ideas. If you’re deeply interested in Jewish history, identity, and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, this is probably the right program for you!

What can I expect from the program?

You’ll be exposed to various perspectives and experience Shabbat in a contentious location of deep significance to Jewish history. You’ll confront new information and will be taken out of your comfort zone. You’ll also learn about Palestinian perspectives & experiences while going deeper into issues related to Jewish identity & explore how all this can influence and inform your relationship to Eretz Yisrael.

What kind of commitment is expected from students of the program?

The program includes an introductory session prior to the program, a Friday tour, Shabbat in a West Bank Jewish community, and a debrief session following the program. In addition, students are expected to complete all the assigned readings and to write reflections on the speakers and readings.

What is the application process?

Applications are open online! Link to the application is under the video. Once you have completed the application, you will be contacted via email or phone.

When will I hear back regarding my status?

Acceptances will be sent within two weeks of your interview.