For over a decade, we have been raising national consciousness among the next generation by educating Jewish students to their indigenous connection to Eretz Yisrael and inspiring them to become active characters in Israel’s story.
At the 37th World Zionist Congress in 2015, VISION representatives led a successful campaign to pass a resolution declaring the Jewish people indigenous to the Land of Israel. The bill passed by only 51%, with 47% of delegates to the Zionist congress objecting and 2% abstaining. Those fighting against us were likely concerned that due to the current guidelines of the United Nations Declaration on Indigenous Peoples, a representative body of the Jewish people declaring us indigenous to Eretz Yisrael could complicate efforts to remove Jews from the Samaria and Judea regions.
Another VISION accomplishment at the 2015 congress was pushing one of our allies onto the board of the Jewish National Fund, where he was able to strengthen Israel’s resistance to the partition of our country by redirecting Zionist funds towards the purchasing of lands in Judea and Samaria.
VISION organizers have been running grassroots dialogue sessions for West Bank Jews and Palestinians for nearly a decade, where participants engage each other’s identities and narratives without fear. These sessions, where the very real grievances of both sides are unpacked, seek to construct a larger narrative inclusive enough to encompass both ostensibly rival narratives and transform antagonists into co-protagonists moving towards a just solution in the entire land that both sides can simultaneously experience as the realization of our respective aspirations.
Ahead of the 2020 elections to the 38th World Zionist Congress, the American Zionist Movement’s Area Elections Committee eliminated the $5 voting discount for students. VISION activists fought the fee hike for students and, despite fierce opposition, succeeded in restoring the $5 discount for all voters between the ages of 18 and 25.
Our ATID student leadership program, operating since 2014, empowers students to formulate their own Jewish liberation ideologies while providing them the tools to bring fresh conversations about Israel and Jewish identity to their campuses.